"We don't have a heart for humans, and one for animals. We either have one heart or not at all." La Martine.
IMPORTANT: IF YOU WITNESS ANY ANIMAL ABUSE, NEGLECT OR MISTREATMENT IN THE KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA, Please document, call and report it to the Ministry of Water Environment & Agriculture (MEWA) at: 800 247 0000 / www.mewa.gov.sa / Instagram: @saudiarabia_moa Include as much evidence as possible such as videoes, pictures and any other information you have.

Pets In Need's vision is to help spread animal awareness, help rescue and organize fostering and adoption with the help of our PIN members through our social media platform. PIN started in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and though the majority of our members and volunteers are located here, we also help spread the word for people and other similar animal rescue groups based all around the Kingdom.
Our mission is help needy animals in Saudi Arabia through various contacts and with the assistance of kind hearted individuals where the animals' best interest is our primary focus. There are currently no official animal protection or rescue organizations here, nor are there any government funded shelters for animals, meaning the welfare of animals heavily depends on us: the community. With the help of like minded people on PIN, we are able to bring urgent cases to the community's attention and help with rescuing, fostering and rehoming. We also help educate the public about the responsibilities involved in caring for a pet and learn what it means to be a responsible pet owner. There are currently more homeless and unwanted animals than there are homes available for them.
The way in which PIN is set up, is to connect with as many animal lovers across the country to get involved in as many helpful and productive ways as possible, with the hope that in the long run, positive and permanent changes can be implemented. We hope to offer helpful resources where animals can be rescued and re-homed with the help of our supporters. We encourage people to be part of the solution of the bigger situation at hand, instead of contributing to the already difficult situations many animals find themselves in. This means we need to understand the benefits and importance of neutering / spaying our pets, we need to be aware of the dark business behind pet shops, learning why pets should not be bought from breeders, and why adopting is better than buying and how pets should be treated as a member of a family and loved unconditionally, and not only when 'conditions are right'. We can be the change we want to see in the community. We help and support each other, and this mission is not run particularly by one group of people nor a specific team member, but rather as a collective group of society who have compassion in their hearts, and productivity in their actions. who seek positive change for our animals.
This website was created to provide information relevant to PIN and the PIN group on Facebook as well as provide other beneficial resources and links. More and more animal welfare groups are being created and run across the Kingdom with more people wanting to help and support our furry (and not so furry!) friends. Let's combine forces to help each other out!
If you wish to foster or adopt a pet (or re-home one) please join our group on Facebook directly (Click on the 'Facebook Group" tab above). If you would like us to mention your pet-sitting / boarding services, newly set up animal welfare or rescue group, TNR programs or a similar service which is aligned with our mission, then please get in touch with us with your contact details and the services / help you provide.
DISCLAIMER: All information, resources, links and the like are posted for your information and at your own discretion. Meaning, since we do not personally know nor endorse any of the mentioned Vet clinics, Doctors, pet-sitting services, products, groups and services etc you are encouraged to do your own research and take action accordingly.